Pentaho Data Integration.
Gather, Integrate, and Analyze.
Manage data at scale for rapid innovation, ease of use, and self-service automation and orchestration. Accelerate your modernization journey with Pentaho by rapidly building and deploying data integration and analytics at enterprise scale.
Onboard, Prepare, and Activate Data Faster With Pentaho.
Increased productivity
Onboard a wide variety of on-premises, cloud and edge data sources efficiently and quickly with modern data integration.
Improved data pipeline quality
No-code vs. hand-coding data pipelines using an easy drag-and-drop interface for on-premises and cloud data integration.
Faster data delivery
Produce stellar reports with intuitive processes and seamless integration to enhance UX, reduce management costs and create organizational value.
Pentaho Delivers Powerful Data Integration and Analytics.

Accelerated Data Onboarding
Deliver analytics-ready data with broad connectivity to virtually any data source or application, drag-and-drop interface to create data pipelines and templates that execute edge to cloud.

Flexible Data Self-Service
Powerful transformation engines with high-performance capabilities allows users to easily visualize, blend and connect to data anywhere, on-premises or cloud, including Azure, AWS and GCP.

Robust Dataflow Orchestration
Seamlessly switch between native Kettle and Spark engines, operationalize R, Python, Scala and Weka based AI/ML models.

Metadata Injection
Accelerate complex onboarding projects by reusing the same transformation for multiple projects.

Understanding Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics.
Manage fast-growing volumes, variety and velocity of data with a data orchestration tool that reduces time and complexity of building and maintaining analytic data pipelines. Use analytics with powerful, cost-effective customized reporting and dashboarding.
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