Pentaho Data Catalog.
Get Your Data Fit and Performing at the Speed of AI.
Discover, identify, and classify data based on meaningful mission context. Automatically find, analyze and tag structured and unstructured data and contextualize it with agency glossary and governance policies.
Achieve Value in Under 30 Days.
Faster discovery time
Accelerate value with automated discovery, root cause, and data lineage.*
Lower TCO
Save with storage optimization across hybrid cloud and on-prem environments.*
Improved data quality
Avoid poorly informed decisions and reduce application failures due to inaccurate, low quality data.*
*Based on Hitachi Vantara customer use case
Know Your Data. Trust Your Data. Build Your Data-Driven Organization.
Achieve greater agility and trust all your data with less effort, less risk, and in less time.

AI-Driven Discovery and Automated Classification.
Automatically discover dark data, shadow data, unknown data, and sensitive data in a unified platform. Get customizable NLP classification that gives you accurate results for all data, everywhere.

Powerful Agency Glossary Using Machine Learning.
Contextualize data with the language of the agency documented in agency vocabulary based on governance policies and agency rules to activate metadata.

Observe and Monitor Data Quality.
A powerful observability stack captures popular assets, popular searches and trends, helping agencies focus their energy on the right data.

Trace, Track, and Trust Data.
Data lineage support with OpenLineage provides the ability to track data as it flows through your organization, building trust and enabling left shift of data quality and remediation activities.

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